You are here: Home: Meet The Professors Vol. 3 Issue 1 2005: Case 6: Select publications

Bienvenu J et al. Tumor necrosis factor alpha release is a major biological event associated with rituximab treatment. Hematol J 2001;2(6):378-84. Abstract
Byrd JC et al. Rituximab therapy in hematologic malignancy patients with circulating blood tumor cells: Association with increased infusion-related side effects and rapid blood tumor clearance. J Clin Oncol 1999;17(3):791-5. Abstract
Cersosimo RJ. Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of cancer, Part 1. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2003;60(15):1531-48. Abstract
Cersosimo RJ. Monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of cancer, Part 2. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2003;60(16):1631-41. Abstract
Dillman RO. Infusion reactions associated with the therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies in the treatment of malignancy. Cancer Metastasis Rev 1999;18(4):465-71. Abstract
Walewski J et al. Rituximab (Mabthera, Rituxan) in patients with recurrent indolent lymphoma: Evaluation of safety and efficacy in a multicenter study. Med Oncol 2001;18(2): 141-8. Abstract